Monday, June 5, 2017

Communication between parents and kids!

As children grow up they are faced with new challenges and learnings, and so are their parents. That's when communication within the family undergoes transformations. The way we communicate with each other is a powerful tool for the relationship during their growth and also of the family's. 

Each phase of their growth involves obstacles and peculiar conflicts. As I've already mentioned in an earlier posting, during a certain phase of their growth children will ask and be curious about sex and about the human body, and new dialogues will appear based on this. So parents, as well as the family, must be willing and aware of new conversations and interactions that will eventually come up.

Youngsters will produce new curiosities and questionings during adolescence, and parents will experience worries and challenges. But regardless of the age of the child or the issue, communication and the way to communicate is essential for the relationship.

Everybody knows that communication and the way of communicating is essential for every kind of relationship, whether it's with children, spouse or friends. There are several ways which can facilitate or hamper a good comunication. As parents and educators, we should watch out for some signs:

- the demand of the child or adolescent;
- be aware and willing to talk about certain issues;
- respect the children's own timing, as well as our own;
- speak openly about feelings and encourage kids and adolescents to talk about their feelings;
- seek professional help when communication starts being an obstacle in the relation with the child

See you next time,

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